CafeMom Tickers

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Home for the holidays

Weston had his 2 month appointment today. He is in the 95th percentile for height and 30th percentile for weight. He is 10lb. 15 1/2oz. He took his shots like a champ- only cried for a few seconds, which was a relief for his mama.
In addition to his physical development Weston is changing by leaps and bounds socially as well. Just within the last week Ryan and I have noticed Weston interacting more with his toys and social smiling and cooing more and more. He definitely seems to be a morning person- much to his mamas chagrin. Ryan and I will pull him into bed with us in the mornings and he just smiles and coos like nobody's business. It is soooo cute!
In addition to the newest member of our family, we also have a new place to call home. We moved into our house the week after Weston was born ( crazy, we know) and couldn't be happier. Our house is just blocks from my parents and is in the neighborhood where I grew up. Weston will be attending my elementary school and junior high as well as Ryan and my High School (class of 2030!!). Our house has a wonderful backyard and so far some pretty great neighbors. We have a jam lady who introduced herself by giving us 2 jars of yummy homemade jam and a few young families with kids on our street. We feel so blessed to finally be able to have a place to call home and are looking forward to watching Weston run around in our backyard.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Calle Avellano,Thousand Oaks,United States

Monday, September 17, 2012

Baby Shower

Where has the time gone!? I can't believe that I'll be 38 weeks this Thursday! I feel so lucky that this pregnancy has been so easy (Sorry Lacey and Brandi); it really has gone by fast. I am beginning to just now get to that uncomfortable phase of pregnancy where my pelvis/hips are starting to hurt, my hands and feet are swelling, and I find myself getting tired after being on my feet for any length of time- not to mention the 3+ times I am getting up to visit the loo every night! But, it is all worth it. Ryan and I are so looking forward to meeting the little man that has been hibernating in my tummy for these last 9 months. We lay in bed at night talking about what we think he will look like and what we are looking forward to once he is here. For Ryan it's the later stuff- teaching him to throw a ball, ride a bike, kick a soccer ball etc... For me, it's the newborn stuff- I can't wait to hold him and smell him (it's a Mommy thing) and give him baths and read to him. Some days I feel ready for him, but other days I am glad that I still have a few more weeks (hopefully).
Thanks to my awesome baby shower last weekend I definitely feel more prepared than I did a few weeks ago. Ryan and I were so overwhelmed by everyone's generosity. We received so many diapers, wipes, and wonderful  gifts. We can't say thank you enough to our wonderful family and friends who came out to celebrate Weston's upcoming arrival, we love you all! Especially my mom and sisters who were amazing hostesses. It really was the baby shower of my dreams : )

Friday, August 17, 2012

Getting ready for Weston!

Hello Bloggers! I realize it has been a while since Ryan and I posted, 3 years in fact (but who's counting). So, to catch everybody up on what's been happening in the Cope's world here is a quick recap of the last 3 years:

~ We got married : 6/13/09.
~ We went on a honeymoon cruise to Canada, which we both fell in love with.
~ We moved to  a new 2 bed, 2 bath rental in Camarillo.
~ Adrienne finished her teaching credential, and got a job as a long-term sub in a kindergarten class here in Camarillo.
~ We went to Vegas and the Bahamas thanks to Ryan's superstar efforts at work, and Kauai thanks to a friend's generous offer of their time share.
~We made our first foray into the scary world of home ownership, but had to walk away after we discovered the house we were in escrow with was falling off of its foundation.
AND... last, but not least:
~ We got pregnant and are expecting Weston Gregory Cope to arrive sometime around 10/7/12!

As you can imagine, Ryan and I are very excited to become parents and are looking forward to a lifetime of happiness with our little boy. We have recently begun working on his nursery and will be putting together his crib and dresser probably this weekend. I will attempt to post a photo of pregnant me and a few shots of Weston's room in progress. Enjoy! See you all soon!

Love, The Copes