CafeMom Tickers

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hello There!!
Well... Ryan and I have now joined the millions of Bloggers, because obviously visits, Letters, phone calls,text messages, E-mail,and Myspace aren't working to help us keep in touch.

To those of you that don't know Ryan and I are now Camarillan's. We moved from Westlake to save some money, and to be closer to my school. Our apartment is nice, but I miss my open kitchen and washer dryer. Wow, I have now officially become "Suzie Homemaker", I actually miss cooking and cleaning LOL.
We (Ryan) still have a few odds and ends (Ryan) to put away, and pictures to hang (Ryan)but overall we (Adrienne) are pretty much done. As soon as we are settled we'll have everyone over for a BBQ to celebrate.

xoxo- Adg and Ry


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

HAHA! I love it! Can't wait to see the new place! Im coming down for Mother's day, the 11th-14th, to visit and help Lacey move up here!

Mama Michelle said...

Loved your new place guys!Thanks for feeding us!
Mama& Ric