CafeMom Tickers

Monday, May 12, 2008

new home

So.. we are finally moved in, Hallelujah, and now we're having fun getting to know our new hometown. We've found a great 9 hole golf course close to us, and a yummy IE:expensive Italian restaurant. Oh, and I found a great place to get into an accident. For those of you that didn't hear I got into a little fender bender last week, I'm OK, but I can't say the same for my car, but Insurance is handling it, and life goes on.

Speaking of life goes on, I finished my last Math class at Moorpark college Thursday and turned in my final transcript form to Channel Islands this morning! Can I get another Hallelujah?! Ryan's kicking butt at work, he almost had a record month in April selling auto and home policies, he's found his groove and is really starting to love work. He's also kicking butt on the golf course, softball field, and soccer field. He makes me sick, but what can I say? I love him, and let's face it, I can't hang pictures without him, oh wait.... we (Ryan) haven't hung pictures yet. Oh well, maybe we (Ryan) will get around to that next weekend, until then here are some pics of the new place, Enjoy!


Adrienne and Ryan


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Love the pics and you are so funny! Keep the posts coming!

Lacey said...

Love the new place! just wish it was closer to my new place. We will find a weekend soon for you to come up! Miss you already!

Mama Michelle said...

I look forward to seeing the new "pictures up" pictures of your new place! just don't get too comfortable....As Lacey say's, it's a little too far from her place...

Mama Michelle said...

Oh Gosh Adrienne - I forgot, Hallelujah!!!

jen3 said...

congrats on the move to your new place. It's always fun to redecorate and make a place your own!