CafeMom Tickers

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Welcome home Milo!

Well, I finally got my wish. We have officially become parents to a fur baby! We adopted a dog from the Camarillo animal shelter. His name is Milo Valentino The Great Bambino Cope. He is a 7year old Parson Russell Terrier and very, very sweet. I have been asking (aka: harassing) Ryan for years about getting a dog, but there was always an excuse as to why we couldn't- no yard, too expensive, no time, we just had a baby etc.. So, when we moved into our house with its great big backyard, I knew that it was my opportunity to finally get him to agree to get a dog. I often go by the shelter with my mom "just to look" and we were very lucky to come across Milo, who had been at the shelter for a week. He was in a kennel with a little Chihuahua and came right to the fence wagging his tail when I called him over and even sat when I told him to "sit". He seemed very friendly and he wasn't barking or jumping so I decided to ask the staff if I could see him. I walked around with him on a leash in a small yard and he was very responsive. The staff at the shelter told us that Milo's previous owners moved to either Afghanistan or Iraq (they couldn't remember), so we think his previous owner was possible in the military. We are very happy to welcome Milo into our family and can't wait for everyone to meet him!


Brandi and Anthony Sigona said...

Yaaa for fur babies! sounds like you guys got a great one! We can't wait to meet him!

Grandpa + GramariO said...

I thought fur-babies were tiny, stuffed and statonery! Guess not.
Is Weston playing with him yet?

Lacey said...

Congrats! He is a sweetie and a cutie!! Also, I should talk to my bro about how he managed to keep you from getting a dog for so long! I cant manage to keep anything out of my house. Dogs, cats, lizards, turtles, ducks and chicks!! FYI: Ive said no at first to all of the above!! I must be too big a pushover!!