Well, it's official, we have started solids! We struggled with the decision for weeks, but ultimately, I trust my mommy instincts and decided to go for it. He's sitting up unassisted, he's lost the tongue thrust reflex, he's gone from eating every 2-3 hours to 1-2 at night, so I figured we'd give it a try. And guess what? Weston is doing great! We started last Sunday with oatmeal cereal mixed with breast milk. He ate a few bites and then closed him lips. On Monday and Tuesday we tried again and he took a few more bites each time. Yesterday I decided to thicken it a bit and he actually opened his mouth eagerly several times and finished the whole bowl ( about 3 tablespoons)! We're going to try mixing in a little q

sweet potato next week, we'll see how it goes!
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Yaaa! What a big boy! Now just let Mommy sleep!
Hungry kids will let you know when they are ready...one just has to learn to speak their language...not easy! What a stunning little boy.
Yay! Hopefully he will start to give you more rest at night now!!
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