CafeMom Tickers

Saturday, July 20, 2013


This summer is flying by! I can't believe July is almost over. We've had some really nice visits this summer. First, Weston and Mama drove with aunt Janell

to visit grandpa Roland and Grandma Judy. It was tough seeing grandpa, but I'm glad we brought Weston because it seemed to perk him up. I was a little worried because he's going through stranger anxiety and I was a little concerned that grandpa might set him off, but luckily he was all smiles. We had a nice time with grandma, and we left with a new favorite toy- a green plastic salad spoon! I forgot to bring toys for Weston, so grandma got creative and dug through her kitchen drawers for things for Weston to play with. She even managed to find some cars, but the only thing he wanted was that silly spoon. I keep it in the car with me now for emergencies, LOL.
We also had a nice visit with GGma and GGpa. Once again Weston was all smiles, (even with GGpa's booming voice). He had fun crawling on GGpa and "walking" with him.
We spent Fourth of July at my godparents house and got to visit with their daughter Heather who lives in Chicago. We had a yummy BBQ in their backyard and tried to stay cool in the 90+ degree heat. My godfather Ed builds model trains and has a large one that runs on a track around his backyard. Weston had a good time watching it go around and around, it was pretty cool.

Lastly, we had family in town from Holland. It was my mom's cousin, and his wife and youngest daughter. They stayed with my aunt Jeannette in the Valley, but we were able to spend a few days with them before they went back home this last week.

We wish we could make one more trip up to Sac this summer, but it looks like that's probably not going to happen. (We miss you guys!) But, we're looking forward to seeing everyone in October for Weston's first (first?!) Birthday.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013


We are home now from our wonderful visit up in Sac. We love staying at the Jones homestead, it's like a mini vacation. Every time we visit, Ryan and I always come away a little more in love with their property.

Baby Wyatt is adorable- and so teeny tiny! It's so crazy to think that just a few months ago Weston was that little, or almost that little- let's face it, my son was never really little.
It was great visiting with our nieces and nephews, they're all getting so big! It's still so hard to believe that Weston isn't the baby anymore.
We were so hoping that he would start crawling on our visit, but the stinker wasn't that motivated. I guess he just wanted his first few scoots to be at home. I'd post a video, but I haven't been able to figure out YouTube yet. Stay tuned!

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Solids, pool and room oh my!

Weston is once again eating like s champ! Soon after our last post Ryan and I decided to back off the solids with Weston. He was starting to vehemently refuse all foods and we didn't want to turn every meal time into torture, so held off for a few more weeks. He has since done a 180 and is now doing great. He even likes peas!
Another new experience for Weston has been his new swimming pool. We had an 80+ degree day last week so we took advantage and took the pool outside. He loved playing with his cups and splashing around.
We have also finally finished his room. It turned out really cute, if I do say so myself : ) I recently started sewing again, and even managed to make him curtains to match his glider. Ryan and I love that Weston has a space all his own. It's so nice reading to him while we rock him in his glider, or stretch out on the floor with him for tummy time. Best of all, he's finally starting to sleep for longer stretches in his own bed! Yay for sleep!

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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Weston's first flight!

Weston took his first flight this week. Unfortunately, Daddy couldn't make it, but Mama had a great trip with Weston. We flew to Sac to work on baby Laine's room. We got off to a good start and were able to the crib built and dresser in and did some decorating. We also had fun sorting through all the adorable baby girl clothes- especially the teeny tiny newborn clothes. The Jones homestead was as green and beautiful as ever, especially after some Easter rain. Weston had a great time visiting with his cousins and the Ellsmore girls, who are turning into adorable young ladies. We can't believe that in one month Weston won't be the baby in the family anymore!

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Starting solids

Well, it's official, we have started solids! We struggled with the decision for weeks, but ultimately, I trust my mommy instincts and decided to go for it. He's sitting up unassisted, he's lost the tongue thrust reflex, he's gone from eating every 2-3 hours to 1-2 at night, so I figured we'd give it a try. And guess what? Weston is doing great! We started last Sunday with oatmeal cereal mixed with breast milk. He ate a few bites and then closed him lips. On Monday and Tuesday we tried again and he took a few more bites each time. Yesterday I decided to thicken it a bit and he actually opened his mouth eagerly several times and finished the whole bowl ( about 3 tablespoons)! We're going to try mixing in a little q

sweet potato next week, we'll see how it goes!

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Welcome home Milo!

Well, I finally got my wish. We have officially become parents to a fur baby! We adopted a dog from the Camarillo animal shelter. His name is Milo Valentino The Great Bambino Cope. He is a 7year old Parson Russell Terrier and very, very sweet. I have been asking (aka: harassing) Ryan for years about getting a dog, but there was always an excuse as to why we couldn't- no yard, too expensive, no time, we just had a baby etc.. So, when we moved into our house with its great big backyard, I knew that it was my opportunity to finally get him to agree to get a dog. I often go by the shelter with my mom "just to look" and we were very lucky to come across Milo, who had been at the shelter for a week. He was in a kennel with a little Chihuahua and came right to the fence wagging his tail when I called him over and even sat when I told him to "sit". He seemed very friendly and he wasn't barking or jumping so I decided to ask the staff if I could see him. I walked around with him on a leash in a small yard and he was very responsive. The staff at the shelter told us that Milo's previous owners moved to either Afghanistan or Iraq (they couldn't remember), so we think his previous owner was possible in the military. We are very happy to welcome Milo into our family and can't wait for everyone to meet him!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Growing by leaps and bounds!

Hello friends! I hope this blog
update finds you all well! We are doing great here at Casa de
Cope. We have hosted many dinners in our new house as well as a houseguest (Hi Mama Shell!). I have always enjoyed entertaining and I couldn't be prouder or more thankful to be doing it in my beautiful home. Our next home improvement project will be tackling our backyard. We plan on using our tax return money, thanks to our home purchase and having baby Weston! Ryan and I would like to have some fruit and shade trees as well as a vegetable garden growing by the spring.
Speaking of growing, Weston is continuing to amaze us daily. He has laughed a few times, the first time playing peek-a-boo with Daddy, which was so sweet to witness. He has also rolled over from back to front, a feat I didn't think possible until at least another month or two, but I should have known with Ryan's genes that our son would be physically ahead of the curve. We are still struggling with a feeding schedule that occurs every 2-3 hours night and day, combined with unpredictable nap times. We put away his bassinet today (sniff,sniff) and hope that transitioning him to his crib will help to lengthen the time between feeds and encourage longer stretches of sleep, fingers crossed!

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